60 Famous Last Words (and a free one for YOUR pleasure)

1. Why is that red light flashing?...

2. Look, I've been using these things for years. You hold it THIS way...

3. Should we cut the red wire, or the green wire? The red one? Well, you're the boss!...

4. It's my first day...

5. These windows are unbreakable! Here, let me prove it...

6. If the safety was off, I'd know! Here, I'll prove it!...

7. Hang on, if this end's tied to me. And the other ends tied to Hank, which ends tied to the bridge?...

8. Remember kids, be REALLY careful when you're rewiring a toaster!...

9. That thing? It wouldn't hurt a fly!...

10. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist...!

11. I hope the heat shields working!...

12. There's a WHAT in the kitchen?...

13. Look, this is COMPLETELY safe!...

14. If this was dangerous could I do this?...

15. Look mom, I can fit my ENTIRE head in its mouth!...

16. Look mom, I can fly!...

17. If Superman can do it, I CAN!...

18. I tell ya', this is one of those elevators that senses when your head's in the way!...

19. Tenth floor, shmenth floor I want my HappyMeal!...

20. I'm telling ya', this attack robot's made with pride in the US!...

21. Glad to make your acquaintance General Custer...

22. I'm telling ya', I'm as sure footed as a mountain goat!...

23. C'mon hit me! I can take it!...

24. Of course I'm wearing a bullet-proof vest!...

25. It's quiet. TOO quiet!...

26. I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman...

27. I wonder if I should let my pet electric-eel have a bath with me?...

28. Rustling? I don't hear no rustling!...

29. The pilots what?!...


31. Are we supposed to flying so close to the mountains?...

32. Don't press WHAT button?...

33. Hi, Charlie Manson!...

34. Hannibal the WHAT?...


36. Good thing we had this picnic...

37. And who's a cute widdle puppy?...

38. How dumb do you think I am?...

39. Giant WHAT on the loose?...

40. Of COURSE its not poisonous!...

41. Maybe we SHOULD pick up that mysterious drifter...

42. I can get things done a lot faster if I iron and shower at the same time!...

43. Why does my bungee cord look longer than his?...

44. Bomb schmomb, I want my HappyMeal!...

45. He's been de-fanged. Hasn't he?...

46. You're not impressing anyone with this hold-up routine!...

47. Trust me, I'm a professional!...

48. Earthquake schmearthquake! IM GOING TO LOS ANGELES!...

49. Mr. Oblowski! IT HAPPENED AGAIN!...

50. If you're gonna jump, IM gonna jump too!...

51. It was like that when I got here!

52. I didn't MEAN to!...

53. Why do I have a one-way ticket, when you get return?...

54. Believe me! Raptors CANT open doors

55. IT BURNS!!!!...


57. Ebola isn't contagious!...

58. Ill put my gun down, then YOU put yours down...

59. As a matter of fact, I DO feel lucky today!...


61. Nerve gas, shmerve gas! IM GETTING MY HappyMeal

A Wyrdland production... by Ramuh AND Happydude E-mail us at Wyrdland@hotmail.com

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